速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers

Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers


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Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 115 stickers of Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Armenian Woman

- Trees in the Sun

- Oxen Ploughing

- Landscape at Saint-Joachim

- Clearing Weather, Beaupré

- Street Scene, Granada

- Old Woman Reading

- Katherine

- Great Mosque, Morocco

- Public Gardens, Venice

- La Salute from the Ponte della Paglia, Venice

- Last Rays, la Piazzetta, Venice

- Girl with Goat

- Corner of the Doge's Palace

- Autumn, Pont-de-l'Arche

- San Giorgio. View of the Mole

- Spanish Dancer

- A Frugal Meal

- Farmyard, France

- Summer Breeze at Dinard

- The River Rance at La Hisse

- Mont-Saint-Michel, Morning

- Katherine

- Cirquebeuf-sur-Seine

- The Beach at Dinard

- The Beach at Saint-Énogat, Brittany

- Street, Monlight, Mont-Saint-Michel

- The Two Beaches, Paramé, Saint-Malo

- Rue du Canal, Moret-sur-Loing

- Mon-Saint-Michel

- Moonlight Street, Pont-de-l'Arche

- Moonlight Street, Pont-de-l'Arche

- Katherine

- Fall Scene, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Canal Boat

- Canal du Loing

- Canal du Loing, Moret

- Brittany Goose Girl

- Moonrise

- Early Morning Mist, Pont-de-l'Arche

- Beach Scene, Baie-Saint-Paul

- The Beach at Dinard

- Summer Day, Les Andelys, Normandy

- In the Laurentians, Winter

- San Giorgio, Grey Day, Venice

- The Salute, Venice

- On the Rialto, Venice

- La Salute, Venice

- Evening, Siena

- The Campo, Sienne

- Summer Scene, Baie-Saint-Paul

- The Red House

- Pully under Snow

- Canadian Village, Grey Day

- Sunset Normandy

- Trapper in the Woods

- Twilight

- River Thaw

Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Mill and Stream, Morning Sun

- A Farm, Last Rauys

- The Farm on the HIll

- Daybreak, Lake Geneva

- The Clearing in the Woods

- Schooner in the Ice Pack (study)

- Overlooking the Valley of the Gouffre, Charlevoix

- Misty Day in Winter, Baie-Saint-Paul

- In the Clearing, Charlevoix

- Street Scene, Quebec at Night

- Baie-Saint-Paul

- The Painter's Young Wife, Baie-Saint-Paul

- The Painter's Young Wife, Île d'Orléans

- March in the Birch Woods

- Lucille Rodier Gagnon, Olive and Edna Pretty at Sainte-Pétronille, Île d'Orléans

- Luxembourg Gardens. Paris

- A Quebec Village Street, Winter

- La Boutique, Rang St. Laurent, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Ice Bridge

- Ice Cutting, Bair-Saint-Paul

- The Ice Bridge, Quebec

- A Silent Stream of the North

- The Pond in October

- Lac de Charlevoix

- Golden Autumn, Laurentians

- Spring Thaw, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Sunday Morning Mass

- The Train, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Moonlight, Île d'Orléans

- Moonlight, Quebec

- Lonely Village on the Saint Lawrence

- Early Morning on March

- A Laurentian Homestead

- Heating the Oven, Winter Scene

- The Ice Harvest

- Early Spring Morning in the Laurentian Wilds

- Twilight, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Rang Saint-Laurent, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Horse Races in Winter

- Farm, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Farmstead, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Furrows on the Snow

- Early Winter Morning in the Woods, Baie-Saint-Paul

- Evening on the North Shore

- Evening on the North Shore

- Afternoon Sun, Baie-Saint-Paul

- The Red Sleigh

- Laurentian Village

- Tinzen (Oberhalbstein), Switzerland

- Lime Kiln, Baie-Saint-Paul

- The Ice Harvest

- Church of Les Houches, Haute-Savoie, France

- Laurentian Village

- Horse Racing in Winter

- Totems (study for 'Le grand silence blanc)

- San Giorgio Maggiore from the Giudecca, Venice

- Midnight Mass

- Haying

- The Ice Harvest

Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Clearing Weather, Beaupré 1903

Clarence Gagnon Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad